Thursday 4 February 2016

For our cat friends

We see you, we want to chase you.  But really we think you are fun.

For all the cat lovers out there, here is something special for you.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Trusted House Sitters Needed

As pets, we need to know that when our owners go away, we can stay in our own homes and be looked after by someone trustworthy.  If you would like to join many people who are helping others like Dylan and myself to have a safe and happy time while our owners are away why not join here and make it a time of great joy and peace for us pets.  We do not want to go to kennels but look forward to meeting new people to take care  of us, and walk with us in the mountains and by the riverbeds.

Great opportunity to make new friends too.  Join Here.

Sunday 20 December 2015


I was on face book yesterday and came across this amazing lady Sam, she make Dog Collars in Northern Ireland and sells them worldwide.  They look really incredible so why not give her a browse and see what your precious may like to wear.  Unique Dog Collars 

Sunday 22 November 2015

My name is Fenda - I am a foxy Jack Russell

Hi I am Fenda
I share my home with Dylan, Scraggy and Banjo whom you may meet on Dylans page.

I want to tell you a bit about my adventure coming to Spain.
Before we set off me and my mistress went to visit Scraggy and his mistress at their home. We used to go to a cemetery to play and have fun running about chasing squirrels and trains and the dead leafs on the ground.  Sniffing and running and jumping all around.  

This is Scraggy's mistress.

this is me chasing after some noise I have heard.

This is me and Scraggy on a visit to a friends place in Bham, it had a lovely garden to play in.

Anyway, in August 2011 we set sail to come to Spain, very fine day, we arrived very early at the dockside so we had to take long walks around the port to find out more about where we were, It was ok the day was warm and dry and we had plenty of other dogs to sniff and chat with.

We boarded the boat - now I had spent a few days during the weeks before we left being taught how to wear a muzzle thing, not a pleasant experience, however I managed to behave myself as I was led through the crowd of dogs who were also on the boat in the kennels with me, so I was not alone.

I have never been on a boat before nor on any long journey.  I did not know what to expect.

Here is me on the boat leaving the harbour at Portsmouth going to Santander

This is the first time I have been on a ship and was not sure what to do.  I looked around at the other dogs and went for a walk along the deck to see the views of where we were leaving from.  All very interesting - not to me a dog - but am sure my owner must have felt something when we parted from the shores.  

Views from the Dog Deck on the PontHaven leaving Portsmouth

So many people coming and going the place was very busy.

Watching the last of the UK mainland in the distance.

First night on the boat the sunset - this was lovely.

Approaching Santander on a lovely day, no rain, nor winds.  Hazy sunshine as it was early in the morning.

All the views above of our arrival in the Santander Harbour.

Then we faced an 11 hour car journey down to the south coast of Spain, We went down the Extremadura which did not have any tolls on the roads, lots of little villages we passed by.  

We stopped overnight at a All Night Truck stop where we stayed until it started to get light then we set off again before it got too hot and then we stopped again for a while to rest and have a walk around in the sunshine - bit warm but was ok.

We finally arrived at our new home which was lovely as it was a cool house with marble floors which after being in the car for so many hours it was nice to feel the coolness on my body again.  

We arrived in early evening to our new home and in the evening we stood on the roof terrace and looked at the beautiful mountains.

I have over the years that I have been in Spain visited the hills behind a few times, enjoyed the freedom of running free chasing creepy crawlies and also spotted the odd rabbit.

We have even seen a live peacock which I was not allowed to chase.  
I have even come face to face with a snake - that was scary - never seen one before, I did get a bit too close to it and it hissed at me, but it did not bite me -  I am glad to say.

My life in Spain so far has been full of fun and adventure learning to mix with other dogs and getting to know their names and owners.  There is a great pack we walk with sometimes and also we have had a special friend who has now disappeared and we do not know where he has gone.  

I have had different friends come to stay and play with me in my home. 

I love to meet new pals all the time.

We used to go to the beach alot in the evenings I would swim in the lake at the beach but now I have not been there for a long time because there has now been a ban on dogs on the beach which is sad.

Ah well, at least I can run about on the river beds and play in the rivers when there is water in them in the spring.  Looking forward to that.

                    s Dog Collar Boutique - Designer Dog Collar

I am Dylan - I am a Bodeguero Andaluz

I am Dylan - my breed is bodeguero.  I am a ratter - well that is whay they say about us.
Here is a link to help you understand me better. 

I am very friendly and a happy chappy.  Love to play and learn new tricks.  Have learned alot recently.

My story started with this family a couple of years ago when I was brought to my new owner who took me in and gave me a home.  She also took away my manhood as I was a bit naughty and very nervous and scared and as it seemed like a good way of calming me down - I was scared because I was lost and did not know where my original home was.  I was found and now I have a lovely home with great friends.  No longer need to scavenge or hunt for my supper, or try to find a warm dry spot to sleep away from nasties.

                Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz

This is my garden which I share with my friend Fenda and our two buddies Scraggy and Banjo who have come to stay with us for a while.  We all get on great.

This is my friend Scraggy - we are good friends,  he is the smallest of us all he is very bossy.

This is my favourite spot on the Sofa, although I do have to share it sometimes with Banjo, Scraggy and Fenda whom you will meet shortly.

However here is my friend Banjo.

We all live together in a very fine house where we have lots of fun and games with each other.  
we also have lots of lovely walks and runs around in river beds and on wasteland, where sometimes we have to be very careful as there are some nasties lurking in the undergrowth which can hurt us - we are very careful with each other.

Last but not least my great pal Fenda she has been a real treasure for letting me come into her life and be a good companion to me.  Although she can be a bit of bully sometimes, I do love her and love to sneak up on her and give her a kiss on the nose sometimes.  She does tell me off a lot, especially when we need to go to bed at night, demanding that we all go out into the garden and then bed, she checks to see that we are all in our appropriate spaces then she toddles of to her place on the Mistresss bed, where she gets to snuggle up with her, I sometimes do sneak onto the bed too and get to be cuddled and fussed and covered up with a nice warm blanket on the cold nights of the winter.  Now in Spain it is starting to feel cold at night and I have a very fine coat which does not keep the cold out but I am lovely and warm with my friends and my new home.  Hope that if there is a stray bodeguero in your home town who needs some love and affection please show it some kindness as it will give you great pleasure in return.

We love to love and dance and play